I Can't Believe They Don't Wear Protection

I went to PBR (not the beer) at Madison Square Garden on Friday and learned I am officially all hat, no cattle. At one point we sat in the middle of the arena. I've never had access like that, and I'm married. 

If you don't think Bull Riding is a sport just remember 1) it is and 2) it is entirely tougher than it looks, just ask BFW. 

They are tougher than anyone you know because, no, they don't wear cups and no, Arkansas doesn't have bagels... BABY. ;) 


I thought all the riders would be from the south. After interviewing them (watch the vlog above, dammit) I learned they were from all over. That got me thinking about the true meaning of Southern, Country, and Cowboy. 

1) What is Southern? 

Being southern is location specific. 

I grew up in Oklahoma, a swing state between being classified as southern, midwestern, and southwest. It doesn’t matter. Oklahoma is one state above Texas; therefore, southern. And, if being southern is location-specific,  Florida is southern. 

Counterpoint: Southern is a state of mind. Think Kentucky and North Carolina. Boys from these places are preppy, wear seersucker suites and polished Cowboy boots. 

Counter 2 the counterpoint: If you grew up in the south but didn’t “adopt the mindset,” you still were exposed to southern ways of living. From the fast food restaurants you passed, to your grandfather's blood, to your Walmart parking lot filled with Tahoes and Trucks. You didn’t take the subway, and know the smell of cow shit, and you've tasted good ribs. 

Giphy Images.

2) What is Country?

Being Country is simply a mindset. You can live on a Ranch in Aspen and be country or boujee as f*ck. It is yours for the choosing. 

Counterpoint: country means you live IN THE COUNTRY, where it's stop signs and your neighbor lives acres away. 

Counter 2 the counterpoint: You can take "country" with you anywhere. Just ask Luke Bryan. 

Giphy Images.

3) What is Cowboy?

This one is not up for debate. A true cowboy knows love, pain, and shame but never cares about fame. They know horses are smarter than people. And they will kick. your. ass. and won't always be legal. 

Giphy Images.

One thing Southern, Country, and Cowboy have in common is they will hold the door open for you, say yes, ma'am, and know their please and thank you's. 

We can argue over southern vs. non southern AFTER you watch the vlog

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